GAMFT Bylaws






Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Georgia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy  (hereinafter referred to as GAMFT), an Independent Affiliate of the American Association for Marriage and  Family Therapy (hereinafter referred to as AAMFT).

Section 2. The GAMFT shall adhere to all policies lawfully established by the AAMFT that apply to its  affiliates.

Section 3. The GAMFT shall be incorporated as a Georgia non-profit corporation exempt from federal  income tax under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 4. The by-laws of the GAMFT shall be consistent with the laws of the State of Georgia and with  applicable United States Internal Revenue law.




The mission of the GAMFT is as follows:

    • to promote, advance, and support Marriage and Family Therapists in Georgia

The goals of GAMFT are as follows:

    1. to protect, defend, enhance, and expand marriage and family therapy licensure in Georgia  through legislative advocacy and participation;
    2. to establish and maintain professional standards in marriage and family therapy in Georgia; c. to advance a clinical community for members to interact and form networks of support;
    3. to foster professional growth by facilitating educational opportunities throughout Georgia that provide  access to research in the field and innovations in clinical practice; and
    4. to represent marriage and family therapy as a core mental health profession to the public and before  government bodies in Georgia.



Section 1. All members of the GAMFT shall be members in good standing of AAMFT.

Section 2. The membership of GAMFT shall consist of two (2) categories:

    1. Voting Members: The voting membership shall be composed of Professional and Student Members  and any new voting membership categories approved by the AAMFT Board.
    2. Non-voting Members: The Non-voting membership shall be composed of those categories of  members as defined by the Board.

Section 3. There shall be two categories of membership in GAMFT: Professional Members and Student  Members, as herein defined. Additional categories of membership in the Association may be established by  the AAMFT Board.

    1. Professional Members: Open to individuals who have received a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD in  Marriage and Family Therapy or Mental Health related field which meets the education and training  criteria established by AAMFT and who are interested and supportive of AAMFT’s and GAMFT’s  mission to advance marriage and Family Therapy or Systemic Family Therapy as a profession and  field of study.
    2. Student Members: Open to individuals who are currently enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree  program in Marriage and Family Therapy or a Mental Health related field which meets the criteria  established by AAMFT and who are interested and supportive of AAMFT’s and GAMFT’s mission to  advance Marriage and Family Therapy or Systemic Family Therapy as a profession and field of study.

Student Members shall be eligible for all rights and privileges of professional membership except  holding GAMFT officer roles of the Executive Council (President, President-Elect, Past President,  Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Treasurer elect) other than such positions as are specifically  designated to be held by students.

Section 4. All members shall be governed by and abide by the by-laws of the GAMFT and all rules and  orders lawfully made thereunder, including the AAMFT Code of Ethics.

Section 5. All members shall pay both their AAMFT and their GAMFT dues.




Section I. The officers of the GAMFT shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Past President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Past Treasurer, and a Treasurer-Elect. These officers shall comprise  the Executive Council.

Section 2. The term of office for the President, Vice-President, and Secretary, and Treasurer shall be two (2)  years, and for the President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer-Elect, and Past Treasurer one (1) year. The  President-Elect and Secretary, and Treasurer-Elect shall be elected in even numbered years and the Vice President shall be elected in odd numbered years. The terms of office shall begin on the January 1 next  following their election.

Section 3. The limitation on re-election to office in the GAMFT is that no person shall serve more than four  (4) consecutive years in a particular office, nor shall any person serve as an officer on the Board more than  six (6) years in a period of eight (8) years.

Section 4. The duties of the officers of the GAMFT are:

    1. The President shall serve a term of two (2) years, following a term of one (1) year as President Elect. The President shall be the Chief Officer of the GAMFT and of the Board and shall perform  such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required appointments with  the approval of the Board. The President shall also serve as a member ex-officio with right to vote  on all Committees except the Elections Committee. The President will orient, together with the  Personnel Committee Chair, each new officer and Committee Chairperson to the GAMFT By-laws.
    2. The President-Elect shall serve a term of one (1) year, succeeding to the office of President  upon completion of that term. When the office of President-Elect is occupied, the President-Elect shall serve as Presiding Officer of the GAMFT and Board during the absence of the President.
    3. The Past President shall serve a term of one (I) year, upon completion of a term as President,  to provide continuity for the Board. When the office of Past President is occupied, the Past President shall serve as Presiding Officer of the GAMFT and Board during the absence of the President.
    4. The Vice-President shall serve a term of two (2) years. The Vice-President shall be Chairperson  of the Events and Training Committee, which shall oversee the training and continuing education opportunities provided by GAMFT, including any annual conferences. The Vice-President is  empowered to maintain a separate Conference Fund to cover expenses of the Conference. Any excess  funds in this account shall be deposited into the GAMFT’s account through the Treasurer.
    5. The Secretary shall serve a term of two (2) years. The Secretary shall keep the records of all  business meetings of the GAMFT, the Board, and the Executive Council. The Secretary shall direct  the distribution of minutes and reports as authorized by these by- laws and the Board. The Secretary will update the appropriate digital archives of minutes for GAMFT Board and Annual Business  meeting minutes.
    6. The Treasurer shall serve a two (2) year term. The Treasurer shall be Chairperson of the Finance  Committee, shall oversee the management of funds for duly authorized purposes of the GAMFT,  shall prepare the annual budget with the aid of the Finance Committee, and shall present periodic financial reports to the Board and an annual report to the membership. The fiscal year of the  GAMFT shall begin on January1.
    7. The Treasurer-Elect shall serve a term of one (1) year, succeeding to the office of Treasurer upon completion of that term. If the incumbent treasurer is re-elected the treasurer-elect position  will not be necessary until the next election time period.
    8. The Past Treasurer shall serve a term of one (1) year, upon completion of a term as Treasurer, to  provide continuity for the Board. If the incumbent treasurer is re-elected the treasurer-elect position  will not be necessary until the next election time period.

Section 5. GAMFT’s officers shall be assumed to have resigned from office at such time as they move  outside Georgia’s geographic boundaries. If any officer ceases to be in good standing by reason of non payment of dues, or by reason of misconduct or neglect of duty in office, the Board shall declare his/her  office to be vacant.

Section 6. If any office, other than President or President-Elect becomes vacant, the Board may appoint a  successor to fill the office for the unexpired portion of the term of office. In the event that the President is unable to complete the current term of office, either the President-Elect shall assume the presidential duties  and office, or, if there is no serving President-Elect, the Past President shall assume the presidential duties  and office, and a special election shall be called to elect a new President through a mailed or electronic ballot  by the voting membership. In the event that the President-Elect is unable to complete the current term of  office as President-Elect, a special election shall be called to elect a successor through a mail or electronic  ballot by the voting membership.




Section 1. The Board shall consist of the Officers, the Chairpersons of Standing Committees, and the  Chairpersons of the Local Chapters. At least half (50%) of the membership of the Board shall be  Professional Members.

Section 2. The Board shall exercise all powers of the GAMFT, except as specifically prohibited by these  by-laws. The Board shall be authorized to adopt and publish such policies, procedures, and rules as may be  necessary and consistent with these by-laws, and to exercise authority over all GAMFT’s business and  funds.

Section 3. The Board shall meet quarterly at the call of the President, or at the written request of at least three (3) members of the Board to the Secretary. A quorum shall consist of no less than one-half the  membership of the Board at any given time, not including currently vacant officer, committee chair, or local  chapter chairperson positions. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and may take part and vote in  person, either on-site or by video conferencing. The meeting shall be governed in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (the most recent available edition).

Section 4. If a position becomes vacant, the position may remain vacant or the President may appoint a  successor with approval of the Board to serve the remainder of the unexpired term, except that vacancies in  the offices of President and President-Elect shall be filled in accordance with the provision of Article IV,  Section 6.




Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Board shall include the following: Ethics, Elections,  Membership, Finance, Events and Training, Continuing Education, Legislative and Governmental Affairs,  Public Relations, Approved Supervisors, Student, Diversity and Inclusion, Personnel, Communications, and  other such Standing Committees as shall be authorized by the Board. The Standing Committees are  responsible to the Board.

Section 2. With the exception of the Elections Committee, all Standing Committees shall be appointed by  the President with the approval of the Board. Terms of office shall be two (2) years, and shall begin on the  January I next following their appointment. Committee members shall be appointed from the voting  membership of the GAMFT with the exception of the Elections Committee which will be elected from the  membership, and the Student Committee which shall be appointed from the Student membership.

Section 3. The members of the Elections Committee shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot by the  voting membership of the GAMFT and shall serve a term of three (3) years, staggered so that one (1)  member shall be replaced each year. The term of office shall begin on the January 1 next following their  election. The Elections Committee, which shall consist of three (3) members, shall choose its own chair  who will report to the President.

Section 4. The President, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint a Chairperson for each of the  Standing Committees, except that the Vice President is Chairperson of the Events and Training Committee,  the Treasurer is Chairperson of the Finance Committee and the Elections Committee shall choose its own Chairperson. The appointed Chairpersons may be Professional Members or Student Members. Co-chairs  may be appointed at the discretion of the President. A person may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chair.

Section 5. The duties of the various Standing Committees are as follows:

    • The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for educating the membership and the public  regarding the AAMFT Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics of the Licensure Board. The  Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall assist individual members in understanding and interpreting these codes, and shall assist the Vice-President in planning ethics trainings at conferences  and events. The Committee shall not issue or render advisory opinions regarding ethical matters. Nor  shall the Committee conduct investigations or consider allegations of violation of ethical principles  made against members, but shall refer such matters to the AAMFT Ethics Committee and the Licensure Board. The Committee shall function in accordance with the guidelines set out in the  AAMFT Procedures for Handling Ethical Matters. The Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall  also serve as Parliamentarian and assist the Presiding Officer at each meeting of the GAMFT or the  Board to guarantee that the rules of order of the GAMFT are followed. As Parliamentarian, the  Chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall assist with proposed revisions to the by-laws.
    • The Elections Committee shall consist of three (3) members. This committee shall conduct a  call for nominations and prepare a slate of nominees to be reported to the membership at the  Annual Meeting. The committee shall recruit nominees, prepare the ballot, conduct the elections by mail or electronic ballot, and report the outcome of the vote to the membership. The Elections  Committee shall work with the Diversity and Inclusion Committee to ensure that the elected positions  for GAMFT uphold the values reflected in GAMFT’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement. The Chair of  the Elections Committee shall be the voting member to the Board.
    • The Membership Committee shall oversee the recruitment and retention of members, and shall  be responsible for promoting member involvement in GAMFT. The activities of the committee  shall include outreach to non-members at GAMFT events and marriage and family therapy  academic programs, overseeing the mentoring of new members, and hosting events at AAMFT and GAMFT conferences to encourage member involvement in the GAMFT. The Membership  Committee shall work with the Communications Committee to send notices for renewal of  GAMFT membership at multiple time points to encourage member retention. This committee shall  organize and communicate with Chapter Chairs any changes to membership, including new  members, changes in membership category, retiring members, and members who do not renew.
    • The Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget for the subsequent year to be adopted by  the Board at the last quarterly Board meeting of the year. The Treasurer serves as chairperson of  the Finance Committee. This committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the  Board and membership in matters pertaining to the finances of the GAMFT. This committee will develop guidelines and forms for budgets and financial statements. This committee shall manage all  GAMFT bank accounts and financial transactions, including digital deposits.
    • The Events and Training Committee shall oversee the planning, implementation, and organization of  all educational and continuing training opportunities provided by GAMFT. The Vice-President shall  serve as chairperson of the Events and Training Committee. This committee will work closely with the  Finance Committee, Membership Committee, Continuing Education Committee, Communications  Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and Public Relations Committee to ensure training  opportunities are varied, inclusive, and available to all GAMFT members.
    • The Continuing Education Committee will certify and register qualifying continuing education  programs, conferences, or workshops in Georgia. The committee will also apply for certification by  other mental health professional groups of the continuing education programs offered by GAMFT.  The committee will keep the membership informed as to changing continuing education  requirements for renewal of the Marriage and Family Therapist license in the State ofGeorgia. The  committee will work closely with the Finance Committee to process, accept, and track applications  for continuing education programs, conference, and/or workshops in Georgia. The committee will  provide a monthly report to the Treasurer of applications and fees collected.
    • The Legislative and Governmental Affairs Committee shall be alert to proposed state regulatory  policies and proposed laws in the Georgia Legislature that would affect the profession and the  practice of Marriage and Family Therapy. The primary purpose of this committee will be to  educate and inform the members concerning Georgia legislative and governmental matters,  including organizing a student lobby day, to represent GAMFT before legislative and other  governmental bodies, to work with the association’s lobbyist and to encourage member  participation in the political process. The committee will also work cooperatively with AAMFT on  national legislative issues. This committee will serve as liaison to the Licensure Board.
    • The Public Relations Committee will lead the organizations efforts to identify and craft key  messages about and on behalf of GAMFT, including but not limited to furthering public awareness  of the goals and mission of the organization. The committee will work closely with the Vice President and the Events and Training Committee to support GAMFT’s event efforts; the  committee will help curate and execute events that are reflective of the organization’s mission  statement and will provide support with securing event sponsorship when appropriate. This  committee is also charged with recognizing those who make an outstanding contribution to the  profession in Georgia. When this recognition will come in the form of an award from GAMFT, the  committee shall propose nominations to the Board for approval.
    • The Committee of Approved Supervisors shall support the GAMFT’s Approved Supervisors in  performing their responsibilities as supervisors. This committee will encourage and support Professional  Members in pursuing the Approved Supervisor designation, and work to ensure that qualified supervision  is available in every Local Chapter. This committee will also encourage the development of educational  programs necessary for Marriage and Family Therapist licensure in colleges and universities throughout  Georgia, and encourage non-accredited programs to apply to the Commission on Accreditation for  Marriage and Family Therapy Education for recognition.
    • The Student Committee will be responsible for encouraging Student participation in GAMFT  through attendance at chapter meetings, annual meetings and other events. The Student Committee  will encourage activities that will help socialize Students into the profession of Marriage and Family  Therapy. This committee will encourage Students, when eligible, to transfer to Professional membership in GAMFT. The Chairperson of the Student Committee shall assist the Vice-President  in obtaining student volunteers and in planning programs for Students at the GAMFT events.
    • The Diversity and Inclusion Committee functions to increase and maintain an awareness and a  sensitivity to multicultural issues as they relate to the overall mission of the GAMFT. The  Committee will facilitate the organization’s commitment to promoting racial, ethnic and cultural  diversity within the profession and serve as a vehicle for increasing the membership, participation and visibility of minority Marriage and Family Therapists within the state. The Committee shall  develop guidelines and forms for continuing education and training purposes that maintain  GAMFT’s stance on the importance of diversity and inclusion. The committee shall award a  minority student fellowship annually.
    • The Personnel Committee shall develop, revise and recommend personnel policies to the Board,  and will be responsible for implementing personnel policies approved by the Board. This  committee will see that personnel issues are resolved in accordance with personnel policy guidelines. The Committee shall also review and recommend candidates for paid positions on Board. The committee shall develop and oversee onboarding and exiting processes for all GAMFT  board members.
    • The Communications Committee shall oversee all channels of communication between GAMFT  and its members, including but not limited to email, social media, newsletter, and the GAMFT website.  The committee will recommend which channels GAMFT should participate in, supervise the design of  the GAMFT website and social media pages, develop profiles and content for these sites, and regularly  participate in and monitor the conversations within these channels in order to assure that all  communications are accurate, appropriate, and consistent with GAMFT’s professional and ethical  standards. The committee will also play a key role with GAMFT events by supporting general efforts around event creation, marketing of events, and generating attendance.

Section 6. Other committees as deemed necessary to the functioning of GAMFT shall be appointed by  the President with the approval of the Board.




Section 1. Local Chapters of the GAMFT may be chartered at the discretion of the Board. The Chapter  Charter shall establish the Local Chapter’s structure and function, and shall conform to GAMFT by-laws  principles with regard to membership, voting, holding office, serving on committees, and related matters.  The geographic boundaries of the Local Chapters shall be established by the Board.

Section 2. The purpose of the Local Chapters shall be for members to meet for professional collegiality  and for continuing education and to transact such business as may be appropriate to further the goals of  marriage and family therapy in a specific region of the State of Georgia.

Section 3. A Local Chapter shall be chartered when a given area petitions for this status and the petition is  approved by the Board. A Local Chapter can be disbanded by the vote of the Board based on evidence of  inactivity or because it is operating in violation of its Chapter Charter or the by-laws or policies of GAMFT.

Section 4. Local Chapters may receive funds from GAMFT to cover workshops and other events. The budgeted amount is to be determined by the Board. The Treasurer of each Local Chapter shall submit an  annual financial statement to the Finance Committee prior to the first quarterly Board meeting of the year.  No funds shall be disbursed to a Local Chapter until a financial statement has been received and approved by  the Finance Committee.

Section 5. Local Chapters shall elect a Chairperson, Treasurer, and other officers as specified in the Chapter  Charter. The Chairperson and Treasurer must be members in good standing of the GAMFT who reside  within the geographical boundaries of the Local Chapter.

Section 6. When the Local Chapters’ Chairpersons accept their office, they automatically become GAMFT  Board members with the same responsibilities as those described in Article V, Section 3.

Section 7. The GAMFT shall ensure that the Local Chapters follow all policies lawfully established by the  AAMFT that apply to the chapters of its affiliates.




Section 1. The Annual Meeting of the membership shall be held at date and location to be determined by the  Board.

Section 2. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President, the Executive Council, or a  majority of the Board.

Section 3. Notice of all Annual and special meetings shall be sent to all voting members of the Georgia Division at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the meeting by the Board. Action(s) at such meetings shall be limited to those agenda items contained in the notice of the meeting.

Section 4. A quorum at all Annual and special meetings of the GAMFT shall be ten (10) percent of the  voting membership present in person at the meeting. No proxies shall be permitted.

Section 5. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules ofOrder (the most recent  available edition).




Section 1. The nomination and election of Officers shall be conducted annually. Nominees must be members in good standing of the GAMFT. All voting members of the GAMFT shall have the right to vote  in the election which must be conducted by a mailed or electronic ballot. Discrimination in election and  nomination procedures on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, age or sexual orientation is forbidden.

Section 2. The voting membership shall be comprised of Professional Members and Student Members in  good standing of the GAMFT.

Section 3. The Elections Committee will have an open call for nominations which indicates the eligibility  requirements for all offices. The Elections Committee shall prepare a slate containing at least two (2)  nominees for each position and shall determine the eligibility and willingness of each nominee to stand for  election. However, when an incumbent is willing to serve a second term in the office of Vice-President,  Secretary or Treasurer, the Elections Committee may, at its discretion, submit a slate which nominates only  one (1) candidate for that particular office. Write-in voting shall be allowed, provided the write-in candidates are eligible for election and have agreed to serve if elected. The candidate who receives the  majority of votes for each office shall be elected. Ballots shall be counted by the Board or by tellers  designated by the Board.

Section 4. The slate of nominees shall be reported to the membership at the annual meeting. Additional  nominations may be submitted at the annual meeting by ten (10) members with the consent of the  nominee, and shall be included in the slate of nominees after the Elections Committee has determined  that the candidate is eligible for office.

Section 5. The Elections Committee will mail or transmit electronically the ballot to each voting member  (using first class postage to guarantee delivery when the ballot is mailed) at least thirty days prior to election.  The executed ballot must be received by the tellers or the Board no less than ten (10) days prior to the third  quarterly Board meeting of the year. The election results will be announced at this third quarterly meeting of  the Board. Newly elected officers will take office on January I of the following year and serve through  December 31 of the year completing their term of office.




Section 1. Dues for the GAMFT shall be established by a majority vote of the voting members of the  GAMFT conducted by mail or electronic ballot. All dues billings, dues collection, and dues disbursements  will be performed by AAMFT. When forwarded to the GAMFT, the portion set aside for the GAMFT will be deposited in the account(s) of the GAMFT.

Section 2. The Finance Committee will submit an annual budget to the Board for adoption at the last quarterly Board meeting of the year. The Treasurer of each Local Chapter shall submit an annual financial statement to the Finance Committee prior to the first quarterly Board meeting of the year.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall be bonded for an amount of no less than ten thousand ($10,000.00) and no  more than fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars.

Section 4. The funds of the GAMFT will be managed in a manner as to provide the most secure protection  reasonable to be expected consistent with standard practices. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the fiscal  management of the GAMFT’ s funds consistent with the policies of the Board.

Section 5. The tax-exempt status of the Georgia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Inc. shall be  maintained by strict adherence to the following procedures:

    • The Corporation is not organized and shall not be operated for pecuniary gain or profit. No  part of the property of the Corporation and no part of its net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any director or any private individual. The Corporation shall never be authorized to engage in a regular business of the kind ordinarily carried on for profit or in any other activity except the furtherance of the purposes stated above  for which the Corporation is organized.
    • Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this Corporation shall not carry on any  other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
    • In the event of the dissolution of the Corporation, then the Treasurer shall remit all assets, after all bills have been paid, to the AAMFT, which is itself a corporation exempt from federal income tax  under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal RevenueCode.
    • In the event the GAMFT terminates its relationship, or is terminated by the AAMFT, as an affiliate of AAMFT, GAMFT shall continue as a tax-exempt corporation and shall retain all its assets.




The Board shall have the power to hire paid staff to carry out the necessary business of GAMFT and to  perform such other duties and functions as designated by the Board. The GAMFT and its employees shall be  bound by the personnel policies established by the Board.




These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members voting by a mailed or  electronic ballot. The executed ballot must be received by the Board or by tellers designated by the Board  within thirty (30) days of the date by which members can reasonably be presumed to have received the  ballot. Amendments may be proposed by the Board on its own initiative, or upon petition by twenty (20)  percent of the voting members addressed to the Board. All such proposed amendments shall be presented by  the Board to the membership with or without recommendation.




Section 1. Dissolution of GAMFT shall be authorized if:

    1. approved by the Board; and
    2. approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members voting by a mailed or electronic  ballot; the executed ballot must be received by the Board or by tellers designated by the Board  within thirty (30) days of the date by which members can reasonably be presumed to have  received the ballot.

Section 2. GAMFT may terminate its relationship as an affiliate of AAMFT if:

    1. approved by the Board; and
    2. approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members voting by a mailed or electronic  ballot; the executed ballot must be received by the Board or by tellers designated by the Board  within thirty (30) days of the date by which members can reasonably be presumed to have  received the ballot.



Revised 1/2022